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Set your brand alive
Moving office is a chance for your brand to make its mark! We'll help you create a space that truly fits your team, culture and business. The right office design provides the right atmosphere, promotes the right behaviours, and helps your people be the best they can be!
Are you moving within your own space or moving into a new location and figuring out the best layout for the space?
Maybe you now need to make your space able to support social distancing and health safety?
Is your company downsizing or increasing staff size and needs to reconfigure space to accommodate the change?
Frontstage can help align your workspace with your business goals, by working with you, and developing space plans that can adjust to whatever changes are needed, including utilizing your current furniture into a new space.

What does the perfect office space look like to a millennial?
Be Flexible
Millennials are all about work/life balance, they want flexibility in their workspace! Millennials are happy to up their productivity and work harder if you give them the freedom to do so. Open the office early for those who want to get in early and leave early, or vice versa with leaving later. The 9-5 is lost on the younger generations and we’ll just have to get used to it. Giving millennials the opportunity to work from home is a great move too. They will produce the quality of work as long as you give them the space and flexibility to fit the schedule around their own lives.
Be Open
Open offices facilitate open exchange for creativity and productivity. They seem to be a favourite for millennials. However, there is a proportion who feel an open office is too distracting, noisy and bares pressure to socialise. Perhaps a combination of open and private working spaces would be beneficial, this way employees could have a choice. Choice for millennials will go a long way and may sway their decision to choose your company over another.
Get Techy
What does every millennial love? Technology! One of the best ways to satisfy millennials is to fill your office space with all the latest gadgets and equipment. Make sure to keep upgrading these too! High tech offices report higher levels of job satisfaction and employee retention. What millennial wouldn’t go crazy for a coffee machine that’s being run via iPad?
Office Perks
Millennials know what they want when they apply for jobs! Filling the office with perks is a must to attract and retain top talent. Kitchens, gyms gear, showers, free parking, snacks, bring your dog to work days are all ways to increase satisfaction in the office. Creating a culture of perks and a straighter line between home and work is sure to attract those millennials. Providing training programmes or access to online courses can also be attractive to millennials as they value personal development highly.